What are the sizes of vending machine touch screen?

2024-10-14 11:31:09

Vending machines have made considerable progress from the basic mechanical gadgets of the past . Today current vending machines are outfitted with vending machine touch screen interfaces that upgrade client experience give definite item data and proposition different installment choices .These touch screens come in various sizes each with its own benefits and ideal use cases.The most widely recognized sizes for vending machine contact screens are 10.1 inches 12.1 inches 13.3 inches and 15.6 inches Each size offers an extraordinary equilibrium of perceivability usefulness and space productivity making them reasonable for various sorts of vending machines and conditions.

The decision of touch screen size can essentially influence the general client experience and usefulness of a vending machine. Bigger screens can show more data and give simpler route particularly to machines with a wide assortment of items. Anyway they likewise require more space and may build the general expense of the machine. More modest screens then again are more minimal and energy-productive yet may restrict how much data that can be shown on the double.

While choosing a touch screen size for a vending machine a few variables should be considered. These incorporate the sorts and number of items being sold the expected area of the machine the main interest group and the ideal elements and functionalities. Lets investigate every one of the normal touch screen sizes exhaustively to comprehend their qualities and best use cases.


Touch Screen 10.1 inch

The 10.1-inch vending machine touch screen is one of the most famous sizes for vending machines particularly for those with a more minimal plan. This size offers a decent harmony among usefulness and space effectiveness making it ideal for where space is at a premium, for example, office break rooms little retail locations or occupied halls.

Notwithstanding its moderately little size a 10.1-inch screen can in any case furnish an easy to use communicate with clear and neat text and pictures It commonly offers a goal of 1280x800 pixels which is adequate for showing item data wholesome realities and installment choices. The smaller size likewise implies lower power utilization which can prompt decreased working costs over the long haul.

Vending machines with 10.1-inch contact screens are frequently utilized for selling an engaged scope of items, for example, refreshments bites or straightforward dinner choices. The screen size is sufficient for showing a menu of 10-15 things with fundamental data about every item. For machines with a bigger item range this screen size could expect clients to look at numerous pages which could marginally increment exchange times.

One of the upsides of the 10.1-inch screen is its responsiveness. Because of its more modest size clients can without much of a stretch arrive at all region of the screen creating route speedy and natural. This can be especially valuable in high-traffic regions where quick exchanges are fundamental.

Touch Screen12.1 inch

The 12.1-inch vending machine touch screen addresses a move forward in size offering more screen land while as yet keeping a somewhat minimized structure factor. This size is well known for mid-range vending machines that offer a more extensive assortment of items or those that require more nitty gritty data to be shown.

Screens with 12.1 inches, which typically have a resolution of 1280 x 800 or 1920 x 1080 pixels, can display more content than 101-inch displays. With more room, buttons can be bigger, product images can be clearer, and descriptions can be more in-depth. These highlights can be especially valuable for vending machines selling things that require more clarification like electronic extras or magnificence items.

The 12.1-inch screen is also better suited to implementing advanced features like nutritional information comparisons between products or interactive games and promotions due to its larger size. These extra functionalities can improve client commitment and possibly increment deals.

Vending machines with screens measuring 12.1 inches are typically found in large office buildings, airports, or shopping malls where they must meet the needs of a diverse customer base. The additional screen space considers multilingual points of interaction or more exhaustive item classification making it simpler for clients to find precisely exact thing they are searching for.

Touch Screen13.3 inch

High-end vending machines with extensive product lines or those requiring more complex user interfaces will benefit from the 13.3-inch touch screen's significant increase in display area. This size is much of the time utilized in brilliant vending machines that proposition highlights past straightforward item apportioning.

13.3-inch displays can display a wealth of information with crisp detail at resolutions ranging from 1920 x 1080 to 2560 x 1440. This makes them ideal for vending machines that sell complex items or proposition customization choices. For instance, a coffee vending machine with a 13.3-inch screen could provide users with an easy way to change the strength of the milk and add additional flavors to their beverage.

The bigger screen size likewise opens up opportunities for seriously captivating visual substance. Such machines could show excellent item recordings dietary data or in any event, publicizing content when not being used. The vending machine may transform into a dynamic point-of-sale display as a result, possibly leading to an increase in impulsive purchases.

Vending machines with 13.3-inch vending machine touch screens are much of the time found in upscale areas, for example, top of the line lodgings corporate grounds or premium retail spaces. As a result of the larger screen size, products with higher price points may appear more expensive. These machines are likewise appropriate for where clients could invest more energy collaborating with the machine, for example, in a food court or a lodging entryway.

Touch Screen15.6 inch

The most common size for vending machine interfaces is a touch screen of 15.6 inches. These screens offer a sweeping presentation region that can change a vending machine into a completely intuitive booth. With goals frequently arriving at 1920x1080 or even 3840x2160 4K pixels 15.6-inch screens give unrivaled lucidity and detail.

These large screens make it possible to create an extremely user-friendly interface with large, easy-to-read text and buttons. This can be especially gainful for clients who might have visual debilitations or for where the vending machine should be open to a great many clients.

Vending machines with 15.6-inch screens are frequently utilized for top of the line or concentrated items. For instance they may be utilized in a vending machine that administers gadgets beauty care products or even dress things. High-resolution images, detailed product information, and even 360-degree product views are all possible thanks to the large screen.

Additionally, these large screens make it possible to generate additional revenue. For example when not being used for distributing the screen could show paid commercials making an extra pay hotspot for the machine administrator. These advertisements are highly visible and engaging due to the screen's size.

Anyway its essential to take note of that vending machines with 15.6-inch screens require more space and by and large consume more power. They are normally found in roomy areas, for example, enormous retail plazas air terminals or assembly halls where their size can be obliged and their high level elements can be completely used.

Vending Machine Touch Screen Wholesale

Beating Engine has over 10 years of involvement. Availability is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Assuming that you are picking your vending machine Contact Screen makers welcome to reach us at sales@huan-tai.org.

All in all the size of a vending machine touch screen assumes a vital part in deciding its usefulness client experience and reasonable areas. Each size from 101 crawls to 156 inches offers one of a kind benefits and is the most ideal for various sorts of vending machines and conditions. The products being sold, the intended location, the intended audience, and the desired features should all play a role in determining the screen size. As vending machines keep on advancing we can hope to see considerably more inventive purposes of touch screen innovation further upgrading the accommodation and intelligence of these computerized retail arrangements.


1. Vending Times. (2023). "Touch Screen Sizes in Modern Vending Machines: A Comprehensive Guide."

2. Automatic Merchandiser. (2022). "The Impact of Screen Size on Vending Machine User Experience."

3. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. (2023). "Consumer Interaction with Self-Service Technologies: The Role of Interface Design in Vending Machines."

4. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. (2022). "Optimal Touch Screen Sizes for Different Types of Vending Machines: A Usability Study."

5. Kiosk Marketplace. (2023). "Touch Screen Technology in Vending: Size Matters."
